How Dirty Are YOU?
More than 1 in four people have faecal matter on their hands! Britain's 12M cases of norovirus, gastroenteritis, MRSA, E-Coli and now Swine Flu infections are mainly down to dirty hands. washitoff! (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
2009's Global Handwashing Day activities included:
Creative and The London International Animation Festival (LIAF) jointly
promoted a competition amongst film animators to produce short films which
tackle the serious issues of sanitation and hygiene in an edgy, irreverent
and humorous way. The Golden
Poo Awards were part of the Global Handwashing Day activities in the
To mark World Toilet Day 2009 PooP Creative released the comedy feature Seriously Dirty for online viewing. Presented by Dr Phil Hammond and filmed at The Golden Poo Awards on Global Handwashing Day (October 15th 2009), the film incorporates award-winning animated films about hygiene and sanitation.
Hands study 2009 Following the interest generated from the 2008
study, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine sampled the
bacteria found on children’s
hands. They looked at three different age groups and compared levels
of faecal bacteria found between the groups, and between girls and boys.
They also investigated children's views about handwashing, germs and
disease transmission.
Educational hand-hygiene materials for use in schools were provided by e-Bug. e-Bug
is a free educational resource for classroom use, which provides activities
and lesson plans covering micro organisms and the transfer, prevention
and treatment of infection. Each section of e-Bug contains detailed lesson plans for teachers and fun
student worksheets suitable for classroom use. There are also various
animations, films, photographs and presentations available to download,
to assist with the more difficult aspects of microbiology.
Secondary School in Malawi took part in a range of activities to highlight
Global Handwashing Day. The children performed plays on the theme of health
and hygiene education, wrote poems and songs, and also took part in a germ
awareness football match to show how easily germs can spread. Pump Aid
linked Chisapo Secondary school in Malawi with Chandlers Field
school in London, who also took part in the GHD activities. The
two schools swapped posters and poems completed on the day, and watched
footage of each others activities.
CBBC Press Packer Chloe learnt about the importance of washing hands.
Media, London’s
greenest form of transport, supported Global Handwashing Day with complementary
media space to advertise the campaign throughout the West End.